Monday 28 November 2011

Construction: Editing Effects & Techniques

This blog will go through all the effects and techniques that we used to piece together our music video. The most frequently used effect that we used was "fade to white". The fade to white is used to skip to the next scene (usually an outside scene) however we used it as a contrast to the video which is nostalgic and using the "fade to white" compared to "fade to black" lightened up the video more. "Fade to black" is used in an indoor environment and to show time moving on by. This is used when Sid leaves the picture of the girl behind and moves away, showing that some time has gone by.  

Fade to Black
Fade to White

In the chorus we used the effect "Cross Dissolve", this effect merges the ending of one clip with the beginning of the next, decreasing the opacity on both, and then filling in the next clip. We used this in the chorus to show the slow transition between the band members and also the free-flow of the song. 
Cross Dissolve
A similar effect that we used was the part in the end where Sid disappears from the bench. Doing this was simple. We filmed Sid sitting down on the bench, and then took a shot of the bench without Sid on it. I then proceeded in shortening the clips to suit the music, placed the clip of Sid  sitting down on the bench, then placed the one of the bench without him,  added the cross dissolve effect, and then you had the effect of Sid disappearing. 

Sid Disappearing
Due to the music video containing fragments of a memory, we needed to imply that the small snippets the audience where witnessing where memories, we added the effect of "black and white". Using "black and white" gives it a vintage feel, which makes it seem like a memory. 

"Black & White"

Another effect we wanted to use was "Fast Motion" speeding up a clip to show how quickly time goes by in the video. We used it on a rotational shot of Sid when he standing still. This implicated that time was just flying past him as he waited, and I personally think the way that we shot that piece was very successful. 

"Fast Motion"
The final effect that we thought would be very effective was the use of a "replication". We, as a group, wanted to use a variety of different effects, but ones that would compliment the video, and the use of "replication" in the  chorus was intentional because when he sings "I'm not moving" part of the chorus, this is when the "replication" takes effect. 


Written By Tyrone.

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