Tuesday 22 November 2011

Construction: 1st Day Of Filming

Today we as a group began the filming process of our music video of 'The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script'. We had located the place in which we had wanted to film previously, so we congregated to film at the place located in the local central park at 1:30 pm. As a group we decided beforehand who had a specific job in the films overall production. Myself (Sid) was the lead role in the video. Tyrone and Elliot were the co- directors of the music video. They will both have brief cameo roles in the music video at a later date. Jack is the cameraman of the video production and also has a cameo role in the video.

 The target we as a group set ourselves for the week was to get a minutes worth of the music video's footage completed before we met up in our next lesson. The filming took over an hour and a half, but we managed to complete our target and film a minutes worth a footage that we feel is up to the standard we want it to be. In the near future, we will upload pictures we took from the location with a digital camera. The pictures show the footage of the music video in process, the location of the music video and pictures of who was involved, so is important in the long run.

In total we filmed about 6 separate clips culminating to the minute that was needed. Each clip lasted for about 10-15 seconds on average each. One of the key reasons for not having clips longer than this is that the audience's attention may start to wain. As the music video's purpose is too advertise the artist and their song, the more attention they can keep from their audience the better. We kept that thought at the forefront of our minds when we were filming today.

As i was the character in the mini-story of the music video, i was not too involved in the directing of the music video. I know however that as a group we discussed using many different camera angles and editing techniques, to give the music video a unique edge. The character in the music video is depicted as a vulnerable character who is searching for his lost love and is not moving until he finds her. He only has her picture as a clue as to where she is. He is sitting on the floor and on the bench, to show his vulnerability and despair at not being able to find his lost love. We had the camera angle looking down on the character at these points to really emphasise the vulnerability of the poor situation he finds himself in. Furthermore to try and portray how the character is emotionally weakened by not being able to find his love, we have a clip of a man played by Jack trying to hand the character (myself) money. This clip fits with the lyrics of the song, in which it says "they try and hand me money, they don't understand". We had Jack walking past and bending down to me, to hand the money. We thought that having this clip really emphasised how the character is misjudged in the video as being the physically hurt person, when is is in fact emotionally that he is hurting. We felt that having this clip was pivotal in the message of the video.

Moreover we felt that filming in November with the leaves having fallen off the trees and the weather colder, really encapsulated the love that the character has for his lost love. We felt as a group to have him sitting on the floor in cold weather truly portrays how dedicated he is to the woman he is trying to find. We had a photograph that i had to hold of the woman (who is a girl from our year group). The picture we bent and scratched a little to give it an aged look, so that when we filmed it, it really epitomised the love he has for the women, to keep the picture for such a long time period. We had an over the shoulder shot of me holding the picture, to truly portray the message of why the character was sitting there.

As well as this we had two other clips that showed me walking slowly and despondently. We agreed that i should try and have a pessimistic facial expression to evoke the mise en scene and show that the character is not happy. As the clips will be at the intro of the video, the despondent facial expression is vital, as it sets the tone for what the mood of the video will be like.

Finally throughout the process of filming the minutes worth of footage we did encounter a problem that we had to overcome to complete the filming. For instance as we were filming the footage in a public park, a few people wandered into shot half way through a scene we were filming. This was a minor irritation, which we managed to overcome with patience and hindsight to look at the surroundings to see if they were clear before we filmed.

We are planning on recording more footage of the music video later in the week and will update the blog on any more footage, that has been completed est.

Written by Sid.

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