Monday 28 November 2011

Construction: The Official Deadline

Yesterday, (Wednesday the 22nd) was the official deadline for all the media coursework to be completed. We have handed in the majority of our work, including our music video and all the research and build up towards it. We are yet to complete all of our evaluation, however the majority of the powerpoint presentations and podcasts have been completed. We will be able in the upcoming week,  to tie up any loose ends with the coursework and hand in a fully completed project, which will hopefully gain us the grades, we as group were hoping for. I have to complete my presentation on 'How is our media project similar to other media texts'. The presentation involves comparing each part of coursework, which include; the video, the website and the CD cover. We have to compare each part, to that of a professional music product and explain how we have drawn similarities and added our own original differences.

Written by Sid.

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