Tuesday 22 November 2011

Construction: 1st Day Of Editing

Today (Wednesday 23rd November) was the first day of editing, and the first task at hand was to upload all the .mov files from the camera and export them onto our Mac. Next I had to convert the files to .mpeg so that Premiere would be able to read the files properly. Once all the videos where uploaded and converted, I then imported them onto Premiere along with the song "The Man That Can't Be Moved", and began going through all the files seeing which videos where outtakes and which videos where the ones needed. 

After sorting out all the files and then naming them, I had to begin piecing them together one at a time, making sure that the lip sync from Sid matched up correctly to the song. This is a long and tedious task, due to having to be extremely precise and making sure that the video is not too slow or too fast for the music. After this, I had to align every shot together making sure they flow smoothly and not become choppy. However, so far the video is still in its raw form, and no effects have yet been added to the video, so some parts look slightly choppy. But this will all be amended once all clips have been trimmed, and properly placed within the timeline. Next editing session will most likely be working on some of the green screen clips that where taken on the 2nd Day of Filming. 

Written By Tyrone. 

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