Monday 28 November 2011

Construction: Coursework Update

This is just a short update to inform everyone of where we are in terms of completing our coursework as a group. We are in deliberation as a group at the moment as to whether we should add a scene involving a mirrored screen effect into our music video. The clip wouldn't have to be long and could still run parallel with the emotions we are trying to convey in the video. The reason we are considering putting the clip in, is that it would add an effect that we feel will give the video a more professional and advanced look to it.

Furthermore even though the coursework is nearing an end, due to us as a group completing all the previous deadlines, we have the upcoming evaluation to tackle in the coming weeks. The evaluation will entail numerous questions about all that we have completed and we will be required to answer each of the questions in an detailed, advanced manner.

Written by Sid.

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