Tuesday 22 November 2011

Construction: 6th Day Of Editing

Today (Wednesday 4th January), I started with the process of finishing the editing stages of the green screen, the scene which involved a news broadcast. However, things did not proceed as planned, and during the editing in After Effects, I encountered a problem when it came to applying the news backdrop to the footage, that the camera was not positioned correctly, and therefore Sid (the main character) was moving from one side of the set to the other. This meant that the visual representation of him being shown on a TV was not real and that the news backdrop was clearly animated. 

However before all of this, I had to upload the video to After Effects, then apply the "colour key" effect to the clip and reduce the green background to nothing. However, again, I encountered a problem because the programme could not fully take away every single bit of green, because if I was to do this, it would result in the neck, and parts of the t-shirt being lost. Therefore, we had to settle with having only small parts of green showing, which do not really show on the final product. The next step was to then export the file so that it can then be imported into Premiere. 

Once it was exported, I imported it into Premiere, and then placed it within the timeline to fit in with the music video, making sure to cut off the unnecessary bits from the beginning and the end to make sure that the lip-sync flow with the song. The next item on the list was to make the background look more like a news broadcast, therefore we added some text to try make it look like a convincing new broadcast. This was another green screen segment completed.

Written By Tyrone.  

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