Tuesday 22 November 2011

Construction: 9th Day Of Editing

Today I wrapped up all of the editing process from all the clips adding all the necessary effects. However some effects did not look very professional so some clips have been left bare due to the fact that they look much better, this was done with the help of Jack, to get a different opinion in which effects worked and which did not. I also done the disappearing effect of Sid vanishing from the bench which is a very simple process of having the same shot, one with Sid in it, the other without him. Then all that needed to be done was put the clip without Sid on top of the one with him, and add a cross dissolve which fades him out slowly. This process took us a whole lesson (hour and thirty minutes) to complete making sure that all parts are in time, and the usual problem we did encounter was due to the clips needing adjusting to be put in time. Other than that, the whole lesson went smoothly. 

Written By Tyrone. 

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