Tuesday 22 November 2011

Construction: 2nd Day Of Filming

Today (Tuesday 22nd November), we, as a group, done some more filming (this time during our lesson time : 9-10.30), in order for us to reach the deadline of having a minute of footage filmed and edited for 1st December. As all of the previous footage filmed at the weekend – and most of the rest of the video for that matter – is set in a park, we decided to incorporate the idea of the band performing to fragment the video, and incorporate more settings to add a sense of variety to it so the audience weren't looking at just one place all the time. We filmed 6 clips altogether, each of which lasted the duration of the chorus (approximately 30 seconds).  We decided to get varying shots of the chorus being played, so that we could incorporate them at a later stage in the music video.

In terms of location, we used a rehearsal room in the music block at school, having been permitted to do so. Here, the “band”, as it were, played the chorus as though it were a live set. A range of different shots were used to fulfil the criteria, and to make the video more interesting as a pose to dull and monotonous due to the same shot being used over and over again. The shots we used are: master, side, close up, and over-the-shoulder; a diverse of range of shots that, when pieced together, will make the video will seem more attractive and make the viewers want to keep watching.

During this session, we took advantage of the time available to us, and decided to also film the green screen parts of our music video. This was done in the drama studio in school, as that is where the actual green screen facility itself is placed. In this part of the filming, only the medium shot was used, as this was most appropriate to the background we are going to use; the lyrics are “maybe I’ll get famous, as the man who can’t be moved” – to emphasise the motif of fame, we decided that a news broadcast would be appropriate as it involves the man being shown to a massive population, and people who appear on news are generally famous through some means.

The filming was done again by me (Jack) because the other 3 members of my group wanted to be the band, and as there are only 3 members in The Script, we decided to stick to this, which meant that I could easily film whilst they acted.

No problems were encountered during this filming session, as the locations we used weren’t already occupied by other students, so the surroundings were very quiet and there was no interruption.

Written by Jack.

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