Monday 28 November 2011

Construction: Proof Of Organisation

The images below show our organisation as a group, and re-infornce the previous vlog we made about organisation within the group.

This first image is of our desktop. We only have the one folder on our desktop, in which literally everything we need is stored. This means that we know where everything is, and it isn't all scattered over the desktop, which would make it extremely messy, and therefore hard to find what we need.

This image shows the videos within the one above. We have made 4 individual folders which are clearly labelled and we therefore know what is contained in each of them. "Premiere Projects" contains all of the videos we made in their premiere un-encoded formats, such as our interviews and the actual music video itself. "Videos" contains all of the vlogs we made on Photobooth, and also the exported, coded videos that we made on premiere and put onto YouTube and this blog. "Presentations" contains all of the powerpoints we made which have been put on here. "Other Stuff" contains everything else we used within the video, such as pictures and music clips.

The screen shot above shows how we knew what we had to film on each of the filming days. We went through our premiere project and made note of the lyrics that we hadn't filmed a clip for, and then next to them wrote what we were going to film to aid these lyrics. Doing so meant that we could print the filming plans off and take them to the different days, and once we had met, we knew exactly what we had to do, and could get it done in a shorter space of time as we didn't have to improvise on the spot.

Written by Jack.

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