Tuesday 22 November 2011

Construction: 4th Day Of Filming

Thursday 5th January

Last Thursday after our lesson, me and the rest of my group met up to film another important section of our music video. We all rendezvoused in the school foyer and as planned beforehand we went to the local Central park, where we had planned to film. The idea was that before we finished for the day, we would have a number of key scenes pivotal to the positivity of the video filmed. The filming ran smoothly for up to half an hour with me and Lauren (the actress starring in our music video) being able to complete up to ten second clips with relative ease. Both clips were showing flashbacks of a relationship me and lauren had shared, and that this is what I (the man who is refusing to be moved) is feeling nostalgic about/is missing. To show that the footage was in the past, black and white montage was put on the background of the footage. As aforementioned we had planned to film up to five scenes, but after we had filmed the two scenes we were meet with an interruption due to the unforeseeable weather conditions. It looked like we would have to organise to film the majority of the other clips at a later date, but luckily the weather was only a passing shower and after ten minutes the weather had passed and we were able to continue as planned. In fact the weather actually helped continuity wise because the first time we had filmed, it had been sunny after a rain shower and the weather on Thursday mirrored that. In the next hour after the weather had passed we managed to get the remaining clips filmed. We drafted in a few of our friends to help with a certain scene were they had to walk pass myself sitting on the floor and point with a look of confusion. That scene went surprisingly well, seeing as we had only drafted them last minute and they had had minimal acting experience in the past. The other clips involved myself looking mournful and depressed due to the fact that I'd lost my girlfriend (Lauren). The film is of me holding an old picture of Lauren and reminiscing of old times. The clip was looking to encapsulate that sense of grief and I felt the camera work by our director Jack helped. We now are halfway through getting the three minutes of edited footage needed for our music video's completion and we have planned ahead in the upcoming week to make sure that the filming occurs and we near the Video's completion stage. If we stick to our plans made at the start of our course; To meet up regularly and complete what needs to be done on time, then we should complete all parts of our coursework to schedule.

On this day, myself and Tyrone acted in the video, whilst Jack filmed and directed it. Other than the aforementioned change in weather, no problems were encountered and the filming session ran smoothly and went well, as we were able to get quite a bit filmed.

Written by Sid

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