Monday 28 November 2011

Construction: The Importance Of Consistency

When creating our project, it is highly important that we keep everything consistent with a matching house style. By this, I mean that the CD cover and website should be similar in the use of colour etc, in order to match the mood of the video and express the image we're trying to create for our artist.

When I created the website, I used a black and white colour theme, firstly because they are two colours that strongly compliment each other well and looks good on the page. Also, although it is not always the case, people typically associate black as a colour that evokes a sense of depression and dullness, which is the key motif in our music video - the man is in a state of nostalgia, and has depressive feelings about his past memories with an ex-lover. This choice of colour is highly sufficient in the way that it matches the mood being given off in the video, and this mood is maintained through the other promotional material. After I'd created the website, fellow group member Tyrone viewed it to gain an idea as to what sort of style to use with the CD cover. Again, he used a black background with white text in order to stabilise the sad mood emitted in the video, and a black and white effect was applied to the pictures he used in order to match the 
website, and also the video.

In future filming sessions, we are going to be filming clips of the man and his ex-lover in the past, where they were a happy couple. As we did with the pictures (see above), we are going to apply a black and white effect to these clips, not only to show that they are moments from the past, but also to insinuate that he is being saddened by the recollection of them.

To conclude, we feel that using a consistent black and white theme throughout our promotional materials gives off a sad image about the artist, and hope that the viewers will feel a sense of pathos towards him (pity), which will consequently make them want to view the video, and also the other features of the promotional package, repeatedly.

Written by Jack.

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