Tuesday 22 November 2011

Construction: 3rd Day Of Filming

In todays lesson, Tuesday 29th November, we filmed the green screen parts of our music video. Only 2 people were required for this part - the actor, and the cameraman, so myself  (cameraman) and Sid (actor) decided to use the lesson time to get this part of the filming process out of the way whilst Tyrone continued to edit and Elliott continued with some project planning.

The filming took place in the drama studio in our school, as this is where the greenscreening facility is located. We were limited to the time we could use the drama studio fior, as it was only free for use whilst the rest of the school was on break from 11.00 - 11.20. Because of this, we had to make sure we were quick with the filming and finished it in the 20 minutes we had to do it. However, because the greenscreen parts of our music video are only roughly 30 seconds long each, we successfully filmed them, and spent about 10 minutes filming them altogether

We did encounter a few problems in this filming session - firstly, there was quite a bit of interruption from people coming into the room, and noise being made by the people that were already in the room at the time. Although the noise doesn't matter, as it is to be edited out at a later stage, it was still distracting for Sid, and we therefore had to retake the clips a few times. However, these are only minor issues and didn't have a massive impact as we were still able to get the filming done - due to our greenscreen practice in the preliminary stages of the project, we knew what we had to do and didn't have to spend ages trying different things, or having to seek help from our teacher.

Written by Jack.

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