Monday 28 November 2011

Construction: Podcast 3 - General Podcast

(Video made on Wednesday 4th January).
On Wednesday me a Jack created this podcast to describe the slight problems we had faced when trying to complete filming over the christmas break. The problems we faced were twofold. Firstly organisation of the group was not at the required level. We failed to keep in touch on days when we were scheduled to film and this lead to miscommunication and penultimately failure to meet up. This of course meant that filming could not be completed on the aforementioned day. Moreover as well as failure to organise, another factor for filming not going ahead over the break was due to the erratic weather conditions, which were of course out of our control. However we have noted the two factors and have made sure that for filming dates in the foreseeable future we will be able to eradicate these two and therefore stop them from disrupting our plans. One way we can prove that we have been able to overcome the aforementioned factors is that in the past week we have been able to film and get a significant amount of footage completed and edited for our media music video.

Written by Sid.

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