Tuesday 22 November 2011

Construction: 5th Day Of Filming

This Sunday just passed (22nd January), we as a group completed our 5th and final day of filming our music video. Due to prior arrangements of the other members of our group, only me and Jack were available. This didn't complicate matters however because as I am the actor in the video and Jack the director, it wasn't vital that the other two members of our group were present. Over the course of the filming session we managed to re film a couple of scenes which were not up to the standard we felt required for a decent video. Furthermore we were able to complete successfully the filming of the last chorus and the twenty five second ending. The scene which we needed to re film was a clip of about fifteen seconds. The scene was of myself sitting on the floor looking despondent and downbeat with a signboard resting on my leg asking people to help me. The reason this scene needed to be re filmed was because previously when we had filmed you could see the shadow of one of our friends in the background dancing. This we felt was too unprofessional to leave in, so needed to be re filmed. We did and it now looks more realistic, which fits into the continuity of the video.

Furthermore as well as re filming, we had to complete all clips needed for our video. We therefore had to film three more scenes, pivotal to the success of our video. The three scenes were a scene where i am being told by a policeman that i am not allowed to sit in the spot that i am. This scene shows me on the bench and the policeman standing up next to me. We had the policeman standing up and myself sitting down to really capture the sense of pain that the character felt at not being able to find his girl. The policeman standing up is key as it shows that he obviously is the man in control of the situation. A scene where i am miming the last chorus. This scene shows me finally leaving the bench, looking despondent and making my way towards the exit. The final scene we filmed was of me finally leaving the place where i 'couldn't be moved'. To symbolise the fact that i had given up hope, i had a look of despondence on my face and i closed the gate in the park were we had been filming. We thought the closing of the gate was a good idea, as it symbolised the fact that when the girl turned up in the next scene, she was too late and it epitomises the sense of disparity we were looking to encapsulate in the penultimate scene.

After we had filmed in Monday's lesson all that was needed to complete the practical side of our project was to upload the clips taken and edit them correctly and fluidly into our music video. This was completed early in this mornings lesson which is excellent as it has meant we have kept to our deadline date of this Friday.

One major problem was encountered in this filming session. The severity of the wind meant that the tripod was, at one point, completely knocked over with the camera on it. The tripod appeared to be broken, although the camera still worked, so we resumed with the filming, but Jack had to do so without a tripod - however, luckily, for the scenes we had left to film, we had actually planned to do so without a tripod, and instead have Jack following me with the camera. The tripod was later fixed,  and is still able to be used. Other than this, and a very minor weather issue (strong winds), no problems were encountered.

Written by Sid.

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