Tuesday 22 November 2011

Construction: Issues With Filming - 2

On two occasions - Monday 19th December and Tuesday 3rd of January -  we decided to film the next part of our music video. We decided to meet at 1 p.m. outside central park, as this time and location was suitable for everyone. Prior to actually meeting, a change in weather conditions (heavy rain)  meant that the chances of us actually filming were being reduced. However, we decided to meet at 1 regardless, and hope that the rain die down in order for us to resume with our original plans of filming. We waited for 30 minutes in hope of a change in the weather, but the rain just got worse, and we decided to postpone the filming for another day later on in the holidays.

Although rain would be suitable to suit the mood of our video, as it evokes a sense of depression and dullness, the footage we have previously filmed was shot when it was relatively sunny, and the different weather conditions would cause inconsistency within the video, and it would therefore be profoundly unprofessional. 

This error can't be helped, and is no fault of our own, so we will have to just be patient and wait until the weather gets better in order to film. In the approach to christmas, we are all working a lot, and have a lot of coursework to catch up with for other subjects so, as a group, we have decided that it would be better to film nearer to the end of the holidays/at a later stage when we are all working a lot less, and will therefore have more time to dedicate to filming.

Written by Jack.

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