Tuesday 22 November 2011

Construction: 8th Day of Editing

Today (Tuesday 10th January), I continued editing the music video, however I encountered a problem when going through the clips, and found that one of the clips for the chorus is out of time. I tried fixing the clip by slowing down and speeding up certain sections of the clip to try and make it fit in time, however doing this made it obvious that it was out of time and that it had clearly been set up. We need to now go back and re film that section of footage along with a few other clips due to shadows of the camera, tripod, and people being in the clip, making it look very unprofessional, and not having a fluid motion. 

Sid, Jack and Elliott went to the music department to film the chorus which was majorly out of time. During this time, I tidied up other parts of the music video, and when they returned I uploaded the clip and cut it down to size, adding fades, and making sure it all matches together alongside all the other clips. 

Written By Tyrone.

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