Sunday 5 February 2012

Evaluation: Survey Monkey Questionnaire

This blog post will be talking about the questionnaire that was created using Survey Monkey to help us get feedback from people on our final product. Below is a screenshot of what the questionnaire looks like to the general public filling in the questionnaire. 

The first question that we decided on doing was to summarise the video, and to make sure that the audience knew what was happening in the video. The question that followed was aimed at those who did follow the narrative, if it was easy to follow. And then to conclude with the closed answer questions, we wanted to know if the video fulfilled it's target audience. This was important to us as a group because our target audience where teenagers, and if the video did not fulfill the intended audience then we had a failed product. 

Part of the coursework criteria was the use of special effects, so we wanted to know if the effects we used where suitable, and to have different peoples opinions on what effects worked well and why, and which didn't. A major issue we had when filming was the lip-syncing and getting the filmed clips to match up with the song, we needed to know from other peoples perspective if the lip-syncing flowed with the music, and in which areas it didn't. 

Due to our video being zero-budget, we wanted to know if the set and props that we had used where believable, therefore we wanted to know peoples thoughts on the props we did use, and if they suited the video. The next question was not aimed at the video, but more at the song that we had chosen, and whether it is better to chose to do an older song in comparison to a more modern one, and we wanted to see the difference in opinion from person to person.

 Our aim for the music video was to give off a nostalgic effect, taking into account the zero-budget and the new use of special effects programmes, we wanted to know if people felt that our video gave off the desired effect, and if not how and why. The final question was a simple matrix asking people to rate the lip-syncing, the special effects, the camera shots and angles and the final product. 

Written By Tyrone. 

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