Sunday 5 February 2012

Evaluation: Attracting The Target Audience

In order to attract our target audience, we posted our video to social networking website Facebook, and also YouTube, reason being that these are two extremely popular websites that are used massively by teenagers (our target audience) on a daily basis, and therefore, posting the video on such sites would give them easy access to it. 

The images below show evidence of all of us posting a link to firstly our video, and also the survey requesting people to watch it and then complete the survey to give us feedback, and evaluate it from a secondary basis, enhancing our own personal evaluation of it.

 The image below shows our video uploaded on YouTube. As you can see from the amount of views, publishing it to this website allows for easy viewing and makes the video readily available for not only the target audience, but anyone, to view at any given time.

Written by Jack.

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