Tuesday 20 September 2011

Research: What Has Been Learned By Looking At The History Of Music Videos?

Through time music videos have all become more controversial than the previous era. Therefore every time an artist wishes to create a new music video, it needs to be more graphic and more explicit than the previous videos either produced by the artist and by other artists. This is because over a period of time, the audience become de-sensitised to what they are seeing, therefore, by changing what people are used to seeing the video becomes more controversial.

We know this from looking at the soundies, there is little skin shown, and as it progresses to the scopitones, more and more skin is being seen, but also the costume that is used by the dancers becomes more skimpy. As we progress past the scopitones music videos become more violent and become to relate more to drug references.

It will effect our video due to the audience seeing all these common references in music videos, therefore our video needs to match the current controversy. This means that we have to incorporate these aspects in order to attract our target audience to repeatedly watch the video and to increase our popularity as a company and the popularity of the band we are doing the it for. However we need to keep these aspects to a reasonable level so that the video  feasible for viewing. This means that it is able to be viewed b the target audience, but they are exposed to the aspects without breaching the legality of the music videos contents.

Written by Tyrone. 

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