Tuesday 20 September 2011

Research: Current Favourite Music Videos

This music video was produced by the joint music company of levels production/ministry of sound. The song is a collaboration between the two music artists 'Wretch 32' and 'Example'. I enjoy the music video as well as the song itself. I like the video because I feel it is unique and it cleverly portrays the message of the song itself. The song looks to portray the message that being unique is a good thing and that you don't have to follow any crowd, you can set your own trends. The video shows this message by filming lots of people who are trying to stand out in their own unique ways and break the trends of modern society. An example of this is shown with the female shaving off all her hair, therefore being different to the societal norm of women with long hair. Thus being 'Unorthodox' which is the track title. I feel as well as the video being intriguing for the message it is looking to put across, i feel that the upbeat tempo of the music and the general happy nature of all the people in the video makes more people want to watch it as it induces a general good vibe. The video is effective i feel as it promotes the track due to it being intriguing to watch and they way it portrays the track title. Also the way the two artists, Example and Wretch 32 were wearing Wretch 32 jackets shows how the video is a good tool for promoting the artists merchandise.

This collaboration between the two artists Chris Brown and Benny Banassi is the second out of my three favourite songs at present. The company Ultra Records produced the song. The video itself I enjoy, as I believe the video encapsulates the title and meaning behind the song 'Beautiful people'. The song shows Chris Brown and Benny riding scooters around an American city, illustrating how they still like to rekindle their happy memories of youth. The youthful aspect of the song shows everything is innocent and with innocence shows how everyone is able to be 'Beautiful People'. I believe the portrayal of youth is the key reason why I and many other people my age enjoy the song as we feel like we can relate to the lyrics. The video also shows exuberant happy dancing by Chris Brown which is a clever use of creating a music video as it then markets the video to people who enjoy the aesthetic aspect and not the music itself, as they will be able to appreciate the dancing even if the music does not appeal. I believe that the 'Beautiful People' video is used effectively as it is a very upbeat and uplifting video, which is therefore enjoyable to watch, which means more people will enjoy the track as well as the video. The video is also used as a good marketing tool for their products. Benny Banassi wears a shirt in the video that can be bought online, which increases the artist’s revenue, which is a positive thing.

The record label Rough Trade Records produced this music video for the London based band, The Libertines. This song is the third and final video of my three favourite videos at present. The video is the band members walking around London in warm weather, generally having a laugh. The video relates to the song title 'Don't look back into the sun' as it shows the band having a laugh and not caring about past events. They are living carefree and enjoying the successes of their band. Their band is also shown playing a concert in this video for the enjoyment of their fans. Personally I enjoy the video because the mis en scene of costume and props with the military jackets the band where wearing around London shows the uniqueness of the band and how they aren't just like everyone else. I feel the audience enjoy this because when artists are different it more enjoyable because of the variety. I feel that the video itself is an effective marketing tool as it promotes the band, through the technique of filming their concert, thus showing how entertaining they can be when playing a live event. The video helps promote the band through the aforementioned filming of the live concert to show the bands qualities at a live event.

Written by Sid.

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