Saturday 8 October 2011

Research: Conducting A Survey

To be able to select an artist, as a group, a survey needed to be devised to be able to select an artist. Below will be an analyses of the information gathered from the survey that was published via Facebook. Be looking at the information we shall be able to make a group decision on which artist we wish to make the music video for. The survey was completed by 15 people, and looking at their responses will give us a clearer idea on which artist to pursue.

The first question, and obvious choice, was to find out what genre of music people liked to listen to the most. Below is a table showing all the information gathered.  As shown below a third of the people that participated said that Indie was their favorite genre, with Pop and Metal taking second place. 

The next question was more to focus on the participants favorite artist with an explanation to why they chose that artist.  Arctic Monkeys seemed to be the favorite band with 3 people saying that the band was their favorite because their music doesn't get boring, and they're music seems to bring in something new and exciting. However, 2 people said that they preferred Coldplay because their music varies in mood. So this backs up the evidence of Indie having 5 people say it's their favorite genre. 

The next question was to find out what people prefer to see in music videos. The options given where set out in a matrix with Violence, Materialism, Nudity and Controversy . From looking at the results 85% of people said that they like to see Materialism show in music videos. This means that our music video needs to include a majority of materialism to attract the viewers attention. 

The next question was whether the viewer liked to see a narrative to the story or just dancing. after looking at the results, it is clear that a narrative is preferred where 93.3% (14 people) said yes, a narrative would be suitable. The reason for this, personally, is so that the viewer can lyrically and visually analyse the music video and work out the story behind it, and personally I think that it makes the song that more interesting if the viewer is able to comprehend whats going on. 

The next question was to ask the participants what brands they liked. This question is significant because when it comes to the production of the video you need to make the video aesthetically appealing to your audience, therefore selecting their brands and the brands they like, they'll make the video more compatible with their personal life. From looking at the results, Vans is top of the list with converse being second. These 2 are by far the most popular out of all the possibilities. 

The final question was which music video the participant found to be the greatest music video of all time to be. The video "A-Team" by Ed Sheeran, due to its narrative falls into place with question four about the story having narrative. "California Girls" by Katy Perry, due to its huge view on sweets and the mystical place of Candyland. "Don't Wanna' Go Home" by Jason Derulo, due to its "different dance sequences, camera angles and general atmosphere of the environment".

So  to conclude, from looking at this information, it is clear that the video needs to include a variety of camera shots and angles, to create an atmosphere for the viewer, it needs to be appealing to the viewer in the sense of materialistic items, and other non-everyday objects, and it also needs to contain a narrative for the easy understanding of the video by the audience. 

Written by Tyrone.

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